Bella with Spina Bifida


I am Bella's mother and I am raising money for my daughter's medications and for her her orthopedics equipment needed for her PT sessions.​

Bella was born with Meningocele. This is a form of spina bifida, where a sac of fluid comes through an opening in her back. This causes the brain to be positioned further down into the upper column than normal. The normal flow of the fluid out of her brain is obstructed, causing Hydrocephalus. She had her first surgical operation, the VP Shunt insertion on her head two weeks after she was born. Such a brave little girl!

January 23, 2023, Bella had her meningocele removed at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City. Her second surgery was successful but her neurosurgeon wasn't able to close the wound at her back. Bella is advised to be back in the hospital after six months (September 2023) for the closing of the wound. The doctors said they will cover it with her own skin.

While waiting for her next schedule in the hospital, Bella's medication continues at home. We dress her wound everyday with Duoderm and Mebo Ointment. This costs almost 2,500 per week.
Part of her recovery process is going to a PT session every week to strengthen her muscles and improve mobility. She will be needing a walking aids throughout the session.

I humbly ask for your kindness. Any amount will be highly appreciated. Please help our little Bella on her journey with Spina Bifida.

For donations:

GCash Account:

Gwyneth Marie Ghine A. Briones

BPI Account:

Account #: 4499330931
Gwyneth Marie Ghine A. Briones
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Gwyneth Briones

Created Apr 22, 2023 Pagadian City, Philippines

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